Before landing in this dungeon of gloom I had no clear vision as to what I wanted to do. I was always grabbing at the air but nothing solid. I was in college studying psychology but knew that was not what I really wanted. What I wanted was to matter, but I just didn’t know how. I had a vague idea of what I wanted but not a vision of what that was. The time that has elapsed has brought with it a clarity conviction to have a positive impact on my society and if not now, soon. Suddenly with clarity I can see my dream of owning and operating my own business. A dream that seemed more of an idyllic vision as oppose to a viable option, became a real solution to a real problem that I wanted to address. Being a passionate person, I need passion to beat the center of what I am doing. I began to ask myself in times of solitude, ‘what can I do that I am passionate about but at the same time is going to have to have a positive impact on my society and the well being of those around me?’ I have to realize that in order to have a fulfilling life I must create something of real value.

What is it that I call real value? In the meaning of real value when mentioned is that I want to build a company whose core values are centered around happiness, positivism, and community. The company that I want to build is a Happy Company. Under this vast umbrella there will be a real estate development company that will include flipping, leasing, remodeling, constructing, demolishing [sic] residential and commercial properties. One project at a time I will build a happy community. This burning passion comes from the need to activate the many spaces that are available all around us longing for engagement; for a purpose in the community. When I see a property I just don’t see what others might. What I see is a living, breathing entity radiating energy that can impact its surroundings by utilizing all its attributes to bring happiness to the community. The vision for the Happy Company will be answered with the following questions:

1.) Who are you? We are not in the real estate business. We are in the happy (home, building, lot, acreage etc) business. We are making everyone happy with a loving [home]. We are happy! 2.) Where are you going? If I accomplish my vision everybody will be happy in their [space]. After work you will be happy to go to a Happy home. You will be happy to bring friends and family to a Happy home. You will be happy to work in a Happy building. You will be happy to build your dream home on a Happy lot. 3.) What will guide you? Happiness, positivism, and community.

The problem with today’s society is that we are just not happy. We go to a lifeless house, we work at a lifeless building. We are surrounded by lifeless. Every home and building needs happiness and one project at a time I will slowly but surely bring happiness to the community. When this crazy becomes a breathing reality the community will come alive vibrant happiness. The void that I once saw in my future is no longer a hindrance by my great opportunity to make a positive lasting impact on the community.

In order to build this company I need to have strong business understanding. I ultimately want to get my Bachelor of Science in business administration, but understand that we must go one class at a time. The classes that I want to take are from a degree for an associate degree in business administration, principles accounting I, principles of management, organizational behavior and leadership strategies.

There are going to be many steps to take on this odyssey but I strongly believe that with the help and assistance, [the Prison Scholar Fund] can help me take the first step to success.