by Robert Wood, Social Media Advisor – Prison Scholar Fund

In life the average person has many opportunities to advance in their endeavor(s) of choice. For many those opportunities slip right past them due to a lack of preparation. I have personally experienced this on several occasions. It has lead me to the conclusion that the best way to reap the rewards that various opportunities related to your chosen endeavor(s) presents is to stay in a state of constant readiness. Easier said than done. I’ll explain.

If you know you want to be a marketer you should always think about marketing; pay close attention to ads and demographic behavior; and constantly design strategies for different products, places, services, and companies even if just for hypothetical purposes. This strategy applies to whatever your particular endeavor(s) may be. Another thing you should do besides mentally engage your chosen goal(s) continuously is to educate yourself on your craft. This can be done via vocational courses, seminars, reading related to the subject, and even discussion of your pursuits with like minded individuals.

Of course to bring any endeavor into reality positive knowledge based action is necessary.  A great way to get your foot into the door is through volunteer work related to your craft. When you constantly prepare and think about the things important to you not only are you ready when opportunities come your way, you actually attract opportunities. In essence, in addition to staying in a state of ongoing readiness for valid opportunities amongst your chosen endeavor(s) you should also utilize the opportunity to create opportunity. Education, training, and readiness create opportunities and enlarge the range of your capabilities, and thus, what’s possible for you.


Robert Wood, our Social Media Advisor, is a volunteer for the PSF. His Tweets can be found on Twitter, @prisonscholars, account under the hashtag #RLW_PSF. He can be reached via any of our social media outlets or emailed at the following address:

If you’d like to hear more from Robert, please sign up for our quarterly newsletter, where he is a valued contributor. Just submit your name and email address. If you’d like to get involved with the PSF in a volunteer capacity, please email us