By Robert Wood, Senior Social Media Advisor – The Prison Scholar Fund

The Dream Equation is as follows: Knowledge, skills, and application + opportunity capitalization, and positive human interaction = the fulfillment of your dreams. This equation is somewhat fluid because once the sum of it is reached people tend to adjust their aspirations and redefine their version of success which is perfectly fine. At that time you simply create a new dream equation which encompasses you new definition of success. The human factor within our lives is also fluid because we are not in complete control of our interactions and relationships with other people. They do also have a say in these matters. As time goes on changes within ourselves and/or others can change our goals in this area also. Although hard to obtain and very fluid the dream equation is one equation that is definitely worth working on within your own life.  First you must decide what your dream equation components are and what it will take to obtain them. With that done you are well on your way to creating your own personal dream equation. Please, before you read any further mentally outline what your dream equation may be at this very moment and picture how great it would be to experience the sum of it which is the actual fulfillment of your dreams. Imagine how it would feel. Picture the wonderful changes in your life as a result and thoroughly embrace your own personal dream equation.

Once you intimately understand your dream equation and what it will take to reach it you can begin to create the conditions necessary for its fulfillment. Because it consists of knowledge, skills, and application which together create opportunities you must begin to obtain those components of the equation now. That way the opportunity portion of the equation can be created more quickly and efficiently. During the creation of the opportunity component you must reach out to people in a personable and socially significant enough manner to yield the desired positive human interactions. In many cases the human component will be the most significant factor of the equation. Through concentrated consistent application of your best efforts in all facets of the dream equation you can impose your your will upon your own personal dream equation and create the conditions conducive to it  blossoming into reality. The dream equation – Knowledge, skills, and application + opportunity capitalization and positive human interaction = the fulfillment of your dreams. Do the math. Create your dream equation. Make your dreams a reality. Sweet dreams!