by Robert Wood, Senior Social Media Adviser – The Prison Scholar Fund

At this time, while employment is readily available in the United States, a lot of people look around in the sunshine of prosperity and say “What can I do to make a difference?” Of course there are always multiple opportunities to give back and/or to make a difference for a variety of causes. As the Senior Social Media Adviser and a member of the board of directors for the Prison Scholar Fund (PSF), I must let you know our work doesn’t just affect prisoners as they reenter society. It affects people, their families, and the families and children of others in the communities they reenter. When people look up and see someone who has changed their life, it reminds them that regardless of your situation, people can change. That makes people feel good and it’s a very powerful message of redemption.

In many instances, as new businesses and buildings are erected in a community and parts of the community are rebuilt, it’s important to note those are only buildings. Giving the gift of knowledge to those within our communities who have went astray allows us to do the human rebuilding necessary for truly better communities. PSF steps into the rehabilitative process by offering educational opportunities and inspiration during the incarceration period so that these people reenter society ready to work, and more importantly, ready to continue and inspire within the various communities they enter.

Rebuilding communities through investment in the human capital which defines people is one of the greatest social challenges of the 21st century. As we do our part to meet the challenge, please help PSF by contributing your time, money, and/or skills to assist us in making the goal a reality. Thank you and remember, by upgrading the human capital within our communities, we are upgrading our communities.