The Bad Place

The Bad Place By Timothy Pauley Early on in the pandemic, prisoners were instructed of the symptoms to watch for, as well as what to do if detected. If a person experienced symptoms, they were to immediately inform staff and then to return to their cell and remain...

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do? By Tim PauleyΒ  So what would you do if you knew you were going to be exposed to COVID-19? What about if you had a reasonable expectation the care you would receive would be inadequate at best? Would you just sit around and wait? If you live in a...

The Other Pandemic

The Other Pandemic By Tim Pauley COVID-19 in prison is quite different than most people might expect. Prison is literally designed to pack the maximum amount of people into a minimum amount of space. Washington has had trouble with the courts in the past for being...

Social Distancing in the Age of Social Illiteracy

By Timothy Pauley “My bad.” This is a term currently in vogue. It is a way to indicate one has transgressed, but without expressing any remorse for said transgression. This is similar in many ways to the slogan it has come to replace, “I’m...